Monday, September 12, 2011

The wayzgoose is coming! The wayzgoose is coming!

The Hamilton Wood Type and Printing Museum's annual type conference is coming up this November 4, 5 and 6. But it's way more fun to just call it Hamilton Wayzgoose 2011. Wtf is a wayzgoose you ask? Allow us to spare you the Google search: traditionally, the wayzgoose was pretty much a big party the master printer would give to his workers at the end of the summer season. Hamilton's wayzgoose retains the fun and celebratory atmosphere of ye olde days with the added intellectual stimulation of a conference!

Several of us Book & Paper-ers went last year and had a truly amazing time. We learned all about the magical world of wood type, printed our own souvenir posters (from wood type, of course) networked with an international community of print/type rock stars, ogled over the museum's collection of type, and had coffee and donuts for breakfast every day. It really is a fantastic experience even if you're not a type geek . . . but after the weekend is over you might want to become one.

 For more information about Hamilton and its fabled wayzgoose go to

Posted by: Claire Sammons 

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